If you are not a Premium Subscriber to the PLAYERtrack.com service, now is your chance to test out all of the features to decide if you want to become a Premium Subscriber (only $4.99 for the June update).
Create an account (or if you already have an account), then email me via reply to this message with the phrase “Rob, I want a PLAYERtrack tester!” and your account name. I will give you FREE access until the end of the month. You will have access to all features, including customized overall rankings and export to Excel.
The current update is through May 18, 2010.
Also, I have added a new pitching category of “QUALITY STARTS.”
PLAYERtrack.com is the result of years of user input, and it continues to grow and change as our users suggest new ideas to make PLAYERtrack the ultimate fantasy baseball player scouting tool.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.