Posts in category Music

Rising Son (Zechariah’s Song)

Rising Son (Zechariah’s Song)

Here is another song that I have been working on for awhile, and I finally finished this morning.

Your Biblical cure to insomnia is actually proof of the Bible’s veracity

Your Biblical cure to insomnia is actually proof of the Bible’s veracity

You could put a backbeat to that and start rapping. There are easy rhymes for Pai (high, cry, fly, sty) and Matred (hatred). Can’t think of anything that rhymes with Mezahab or Mehetabel, however. Might be a good lyric there for a future worship song (yadda yadda yadda was dead… and yadda yadda reigned in his stead!), but I’m digressing.

Depeche Mode style Christian music?

Depeche Mode style Christian music?

So, for fun, I used soundbites from two infamous YouTubers who espouse Christ, but whose fruits are so far beyond all that is holy, that it can’t help you want to pray for these guys’ salvation.

Get “Walk in the Light” for only $5.99 at Amazon

Get “Walk in the Light” for only $5.99 at Amazon

My CD has been added to… what a fun trip this is… 🙂 Click here to buy the album for only $5.99.

Habakkuk’s Song

Habakkuk’s Song

I was reading through Habakkuk last night because, of course, everybody spends so much time in this very short book… and I realized that there was a great song here.

My Worship CD “Walk In The Light” is on Itunes

My Worship CD “Walk In The Light” is on Itunes

It certainly is an interesting experience to see my music on Itunes, amongst the many offerings that you can find there.

Nashville, SongCheck Live

Nashville, SongCheck Live

If nothing develops from this trip in terms of a music career, Kevin and I have written a new song for church… one of the lessons I have learned is to write a simpler style of worship for the congregation. This is what resulted last night following the conference: All That We Need Reed/Lienhard (sorry […]

In Nashville

In Nashville

Kevin Lienhard and I have arrived in Nashville, and we are excited because we are attending the Song Discovery in the Round. We will both be meeting other worship leaders and songwriters and people in the Christian music industry. Say a prayer or two for us! 🙂

Live, acoustic “concert” benefitting POCONOPRC.ORG

Live, acoustic “concert” benefitting POCONOPRC.ORG

Tonight, Stickam… 7:00pm PST

A joyous evening, where believers AND non-believers worshipped God…

A joyous evening, where believers AND non-believers worshipped God…

I don’t know what effect this had on Alex and Johnny. Maybe it was just excitement over a new song (and watching and listening to the amazing guitar chops of Lance).

But, whatever it was, we all were gathered together… believer and non-believer… worshipping God. Whether they liked it or not. 🙂

In May, 2005, Rob was a secular, Jewish, thirty-something, Los Angeles, personal injury attorney whose idea of getting up early on a Sunday was getting up for the third quarter of the first televised, NFL games.

Thirsting on the idea of playing in a band for the first time in a decade, Rob finally accepted his neighbor's request to get up at seven-in-the-morning on Sundays in order to participate.

Eleven months later, his world was turned upside down by Jesus. Instantly, he began leading songs on the worship team and was the worship leader from 2010-2022.

Rob is now the worship leader at Calvary Chapel Malibu. He released his fifth album “The Author of My Story” on December 15, 2023, available on all of your favorite streaming platforms… and he is preparing to launch a new Christian teaching podcast called “Christ Supremacist.”


  1. A good day to you Mr. Robert, I have the same issue as the latest commentor above where YouTube kept…