It’s called throw everything and the kitchen sink up on to the ceiling and see if anything sticks. Anybody have any idea who this McCain spokesman, Mike Goldfarb, is referring to? Is #2 any relation to “that one?”
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Go nowPlease join me as I read through the Bible daily to finish by December 31, 2023!
Read along!"The Author of My Story" was released in 2023 and features "Author of My Story" and "Take the Crumbs."
ListenJust read an interesting article with an even more interesting article title. We have a “Catholic priest” who denies the divinity of Jesus and states matter-of-factly that Jesus was not born of a virgin and that Joseph is Jesus’ father. Isn’t calling this fellow a “Catholic priest” like calling me a Christian atheist? Click here […]
The Gay Marriage ( Proposition 8 ) issue in California is becoming increasingly divisive with the scattered remains of YES and NO on Prop 8 signs blowing in the Santa Ana winds throughout the Los Angeles area. And, folks are working hard on both sides to make sure that their side passes. The Yes on […]
Welcome to my new blog… In much the same vain as Alcoholics Anonymous, I must confess: Hi, my name is Rob Reed, and I am a hackerholic. You see, for years, I have been fantatically obsessed fascinated with the internet and its workings. My fanatical obsession fascination has been such that I just could not […]
Some of you may have heard of the song “Healer” by Michael Guglielmucci. It is a song which is most well-known because of the song’s association with Hillsong (we cover a number of their songs like “Mighty to Save” and “None but Jesus”). In a recent YouTube video, Michael described the inspiration for the song […]