Key of C#m (I think) 🙂 – Capo 4
A good day to you Mr. Robert, I have the same issue as the latest commentor above where YouTube kept…
You can download the entirety of my new worship album “Lyrics Of My Heart” for FREE at You only need to provide an email address, zip code, and post it on one of your social networking pages (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Thanks for all of your support, and particularly, thanks to my family (extra special […]
Please join us in worship at LIFEhouse Church in Northridge, CA for Maundy Thursday worship (tonight at 7:00p), Good Friday worship (tomorrow at 7:00p), and Easter Sunday (8:00a and 10:30a). On Easter Sunday, there is also a free breakfast and an Easter egg hunt for the kids at the preschool at 9:30a. Would love to […]
Assignment: Genesis 17-20 Goal: by next Saturday, July 25, 2010 Short reading for the coming week so that we can all get caught up, and I am going to try and get an email list together for an additional method of announcements (I’ll use the email addresses you used when you posted “I’m in” here). […]